Dream Release Project started in Butuan City in 2009.
12 students were first chosen to participate in DR.
In this seventh year of DR, we now have over 150 scholars. Dream Release Project partners with local churches and individuals to provide education, spiritual development, and leadership training to students who want to go to the next level of being a committed disciple of Jesus. The students are chosen as leaders identify leadership potential, desire to pursue education, and a growing desire to walk with Jesus.
Dream Release Project provides scholarships to high school students, as well as college students. Dream Release is about releasing dreams! We desire for every student to realize his/her passion to dream big. We desire to see each student do whatever it is that makes he/she come alive, for the glory of Christ!
Dream Release desires to encourage those big dreams by providing guidance and opportunities to grow through weekly meetings, outreaches to friends, service projects in the community, and other events. We also want to encourage parents as we host parent bible studies and fellowship gatherings. We are excited to see what this year brings!
We will come alongside parents to be an encouragement and support.
We will support parents as they raise their children and provide the best education and learning opportunities. DR does not seek to fill the role of the parent.
We will assist parents in providing basic needs for school such as uniform, supplies, and partial tuition/fees. DR only provides a portion of what is needed throughout the year.
We will encourage students in their studies and spiritual growth. DR will have weekly student gatherings and monthly parent gatherings.
We will provide opportunities for outreach and ministry, encouraging students in leadership and service.
We will provide opportunity for parents to gather together, such as months bible studies.
DR does have requirements for students to maintain their scholarship, such as GPA, participation in DR meetings and events, school attendance, and parent participation in meetings.
DR staff is available for guidance and counseling when needed.
Elementary $150/year
High School $250/year
College $350/year